Pastor Ken’s TLC – (Transformation Life Challenge of the week!!!!!)
Are you up to a challenge – Overcoming your thoughts?
Read 2 Corinthians 10:5
Have you ever felt down, not sure life is worth living anymore? Maybe you look at things and think “this is not what I expected”. Your plans have not come together as you thought, you do not have what you thought you would, or you are not doing what you thought you would be doing. Maybe you have made mistakes or maybe you had no control over the changes that have happened.
Interesting enough many people have these thoughts. Even the disciple Peter had these thoughts. Think about it, Peter the one that stepped out of the boat and walked on water. The one who declared Jesus “The son of the living God” (Matt 16:16), the one who said he would never deny Christ, the one who debated with other people on who would sit on the right or left of Jesus when He got to is throne.
He allows circumstances to creep in and makes a mistake, he denies Christ, (Matt 26: 69-75). It causes him to believe he can no longer be who God called him to be, he even stopped hanging with his friends, stopped dreaming and expecting great things in his life. But then an event happened that caused him to realize his life was not over and he could become the man God desired him to be. Think about this, when Jesus rose from the dead and told Mary to get the disciples he had to say and Peter (Mark 16:6). Jesus knew what Peter was thinking and he knew what he was thinking was not correct thinking.
The question is: are we thinking correctly about our lives? Do we think how God thinks about us or do we have incorrect thinking? We are commanded to change our thinking and to do this we must follow this advice found in 2 Corinthians 10:5
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